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City of Sevierville Presidents’ Day Schedules

Facility and service schedule changes for the City of Sevierville in observance of Presidents’ Day on Monday, February 17, 2025.

New Customer Portal

We are excited to share our new customer and member portal. We hope that you will enjoy the new site with enhanced capabilities and a user friendly interface. Click image for link.

Tree Forever Program

The Sevierville Parks and Recreation Department offers you three ways to honor loved ones by placement of trees on public grounds in the City of Sevierville. Search for your loved one with our interactive map.

Aerobics Class

Stay fit with fun, group classes designed to tone and burn calories.

Report an Issue

Send email to report a problem to the City of Sevierville here

Report an issue or make a service request.

Aerobics Classes

Check out our May  and June aerobics schedules here.

Check out our February aerobics schedule. Register Online.

Bowling Center

Check out all our Bowling Center has to offer here Check out all our Bowling Center has to offer.

Tree Forever Program

Honor or remember a loved one with our unique Memorial Tree Program here. Honor or remember a loved one with our unique Tree Forever Program.

Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct shall apply to the City of Sevierville Municipal Complex, City Park, Walking Trails and /or Greenways, and any and all other grounds and facilities under the operation and control of the City of Sevierville.

  pdf Printable Code of Conduct (241 KB)

  pdf Code of Conduct Ordinance (79 KB)

General Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct shall be followed by all persons using any recreational grounds and facilities operated or controlled by the City of Sevierville.  The requirements of the Code are in addition to the requirements of the Sevierville Municipal Code, which also applies to all users of City grounds and facilities.

  • Any physical or verbal abuse toward another person is strictly prohibited.
  • All users must comply with all instructions from Department of Parks and Recreation Staff members.
  • No writing on, marking on, defacing, abusing or damaging any City property in any manner. Violators shall be required to pay all costs of repair, in addition to any other penalties imposed for violation of this Code or other applicable law.
  • No loitering in any facility. You must be a participant in an activity and /or organized meeting relating to such activity.
  • No misuse or abuse of equipment.
  • No public displays of affection.
  • No alcoholic beverages, drugs, or gambling in buildings or on surrounding grounds. Groups holding functions held at the Civic Center may be permitted to serve alcoholic beverages upon approval from the Director of Parks and Recreation.
  • Use of tobacco products is prohibited within all City Recreation Facilities as provided in Title 11, chapter 7 of the Sevierville Municipal Code.
  • Per State Law, possession of tobacco products by persons under the age of 18 years is not allowed on any City property.
  • No riding or parking of any type of motorized vehicle in any area not designated or designed as a marked parking area, or in any officially posted area without written permission. Riding of skateboards is allowed only in areas designated for such activity.
  • Sevierville Parks and Recreation reserves the right to close any facility for any reason deemed necessary or desirable by the Director of Parks and Recreation or his designee, including but not limited to inclement weather, maintenance and scheduled events.
  • All outdoor public parks owned or leased by the City of Sevierville Department of Parks and Recreation will officially open for public use at 6 a.m. each morning and close for public use at 11 p.m. each night, unless different hours are posted at the park, and unless approved scheduled events are taking place after that time, in which case all persons must leave the premises within (15) fifteen minutes after the conclusion of the program. All areas not lighted will close at dusk. No visitors are permitted in a park at any time except when the park is open.
  • No camping, sleeping, or overnight parking is allowed in or on any outdoor park, parking lot, trail, or greenway operated by City of Sevierville without written permission from the Director of Park and Recreation.
  • No person shall exhibit, sell or offer for sale, hire, lease or let out any object or merchandise, or anything whatsoever, except under a permit issued by the Department of Parks and Recreation. For advertising, commercial or publicity purposes, no person shall take moving pictures or photographs within the limits of any park, or buy or sell or publish the negatives thereof or the prints therefrom or exhibit such negatives or prints in public, or use pictures or photographs of any park or park structure, or perform any personal service for hire in any park, except under a permit or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of such permit.
  • Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in suspension from Recreation Facilities and /or activities. A violation will result in a Written Disciplinary Report. A copy of the Report will be mailed to the parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 years. Violators who are juveniles may be reported to the appropriate juvenile authorities and subject to prosecution and punishment by same.
  • The Director of Parks and Recreation and the City of Sevierville will maintain copies of the Written Discipline Report. Any person who commits two or more violations within a twelve-month period may be issued a citation by City police to appear in court pursuant to the Sevierville Municipal Code or other applicable law. Citation to court may subject the violator to suspension from use of City Recreational Facilities, permanent loss of the privilege to use City Recreational Facilities, and any other penalties provided by law.
  • All provisions of the Sevierville Municipal Code must be obeyed, including but not limited to Article 9, Chapter 2 regarding solicitation. Violations of the Municipal Code are subject to the penalties set forth in the Municipal Code and any additional penalties set forth in this Code of Conduct.
  • Particular City Recreational Facilities may have Codes of Conduct that must also be followed by persons using those facilities, in addition to the rules set forth in this Code of Conduct.
  • Violations of any of the Codes of Conduct are punishable by a fine of up to $50.00 per violation, plus additional penalties as set forth in the Codes of Conduct and in the Sevierville Municipal Code. These penalties are in addition to any other remedies provided in the Sevierville Municipal Code or in State law.


The Parks and Recreation Department will make every effort to accommodate anyone desiring access to any facility including ADA Approved Listening Devices. For accessability assistance, please call 865-453-5441.

Contact Us

Patrick Oxley, Director

120 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Phone: 865.453.5441

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