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ADA Approved Assisted Listening Devices

The Sevierville Civic Center offers ADA Approved Assisted Listening Devices and are available upon request.

Civic Center

civic center 300Located at the Sevierville municipal complex, the Civic Center provides an excellent place to hold your next event. We can accomodate a variety of activities including weddings, receptions, parties, showers, banquets, pageants, concerts, business meetings, training and much more!

The Civic Center features 2 separate rooms and a lobby for rental and our friendly staff is here to help. Choose our convenient location to conduct your next function in the heart of the beautiful City of Sevierville, away from congestion and traffic.  


 Check out the The Sevierville Bowling Center next door to our facility and add some fun to your next event! They offer Cosmic Bowling and can accomodate private parties!


  • Personalized attention from friendly and helpful staff. 
  • Plenty of free parking
  • Choose the caterer of your choice.  We can provide a caterer list upon request.
  • Spacious lobby included with any room rental.
  • Kitchen available to rent.
  • Stage, lights, sound system available to rent.
  • Dressing rooms available.
  • Load/Unload area.

LeConte Auditorium

LeConte Auditorium 2576 sq. ft.

Seat Capacity: 225 theater-style,  160 banquet-style, 125 classroom-style

Resident Rate: Hourly Rate: $150.00 

                          Day Rate: $700.00 (5-8 hours)

Non-Resident Rate: Hourly Rate: $175.00

                                  Day Rate: $800.00 (5-8 hours)

Book Event in LeConte Auditorium

Council Hall

Council Hall 1120 sq. ft.
Seat Capacity: 60 theater-style, 50 banquet-style, 30 classroom-style
Hourly Rate: $50.00
Day Rate: $225.00 (5-8 hours)

Book Event in Council Hall

Contact Us

Nicole Sutton 
Civic Center Supervisor

Civic Center Coordinator

200 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Phone: 865.453.5441


The Parks and Recreation Department will make every effort to accommodate anyone desiring access to any facility including ADA Approved Listening Devices. For accessability assistance, please call 865-453-5441.

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