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Green Corner

Visit our Green Corner in the lobby of the Community Center and pick up information about what’s “Going Green” in Sevier County.

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The City of Sevierville’s Parks and Recreation Department, Keep Sevier Beautiful and the Sever Solid Waste has created a place the Sevierville Community Center that is a resource to help you find out about ways to go green and help keep Sevierville and Sevier County beautiful. At the Green Corner you will find some resources you need to get started being green today! Below are some links to websites that are great resources to Sevier County!


The Parks and Recreation Department will make every effort to accommodate anyone desiring access to any facility including ADA Approved Listening Devices. For accessability assistance, please call 865-453-5441.

Contact Us

Patrick Oxley, Director

200 Gary Wade Blvd.
Sevierville, TN 37862
Phone: 865.453.5441

National Recreation and Park Association - Logo

Tennessee Recreation and Parks Association - logo