Section II - Team Conduct
- There shall be no arguments over judgment calls. (Fair, foul, ball, strike, safe, out, etc.) The manager or his/her assistant will be the only person allowed to discuss rule interpretations with an umpire. Once the umpire has asked the manager to return to the dugout or to the field he/she shall do so immediately, if he/she does not do so he/she will be subject to ejection.
- The Department of Parks and Recreation reserves the right to suspend any team or individual player from the league, at anytime.
- Any player who starts a fight will AUTOMATICALLY BE SUSPENDED for up to 1 year, other participants from 2 weeks to the remainder of the season. Any player who leaves the bench or leaves their position in the field during a fight is also subject to ejection.
- Any manager found knowingly playing an ineligible player will be suspended for 2 weeks; the player will be ineligible for up to one year.
- The Recreation Supervisor has the power to make necessary decisions concerning the above rules.
- Any player ejected from a game will also be suspended for following games depending on the reason for ejection
- When an umpire ejects a player from a game, he/she must leave the park. Failure of an ejected player to leave will result in his team forfeiting the game.
- Remember that City Park is a family oriented place. Anyone can be ejected from a game for foul language directed at an umpire or any other person. Any actions or language that is considered unsportsmanlike will not be tolerated and is grounds for ejection.
- Any player ejected from two games will receive a 4 game suspension. A third ejection will be a suspension from the league.