Sevierville Advisory Committee on Historic Landmark Signs accepting applications
Posted 07-01-24.
The Sevierville Advisory Committee on Historic Landmark Signs will be accepting applications until October 31, 2024, from anyone that would like to purchase a kiosk sign denoting significant Sevierville history. Successful applications must provide documentation demonstrating that the property tells an important story that has meaning for all Sevierville residents.
A Sevierville significant property or area may:
• Be the location of an event that had a significant impact on Sevierville history;
• Be the property most strongly associated with a significant Sevierville figure in Sevier County and or Tennessee history;
• Provide an outstanding illustration of a broad theme or trend in Sevierville’s history;
• Be an outstanding example of an architectural style or significant development in engineering;
• Be part of a collective group of properties that form a historic district; or
• Be a property that can provide nationally significant archeological information.
There is a $50.00-dollar non-refundable application fee and a sign production fee of approximately $2,500.00 (if approved). Signs will be installed free of charge by the City of Sevierville Department of Parks and Recreation.
Applications and more information are available at the Sevierville Civic Center or online at