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Lead-Copper Summary

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require the City of Sevierville Water Department to test for lead and copper every 3 years. Test sites include 30 locations throughout the water system. The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) is 0.015mg/l for lead and 1. mg/l for copper, levels established by the EPA. The  pdf Drinking Water Lead-Copper Summary (1.54 MB) shows the levels well below the limits set for both lead and copper.

For additional information on regulations, guidance documents, sampling procedures, and other related materials please visit the Divison of Water Resources website and the EPA website.

Pay Now

If your water account is in a past due status,
please read this important information.

Pay your Water Bill now here

Contact Us

Keith Malone, Director

Durand Hacker, Deputy Director

Administrative Assistant
Kelsey Scheppmann, 865.868.1524

Sewer Tap Inspections
Kevin Watts, 865.770.9103

Water Billing, 865.453.5504


Project Coordinator
Barbara Mattern, 865.868.1527

For Leaks, Line Breaks, or Emergencies
Please Call 865-453-5522

Please email
with questions or to request additional information.

2295 Mccroskey Island Road
Sevierville, TN 37876
Phone: (865) 453-5522


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Water & Sewer

For emergency service please call 865.453.5522.