City of Sevierville - Logo

The City of Sevierville

It is the mission of the City of Sevierville to provide quality services while preserving and advancing the collective interests of all the citizens and visitors of our community.

Start A Business in Sevierville

Visit our one stop shop and learn about how to Start a Business in Sevierville.

Convention Center

The destination. The facility. Your event. Located within a day’s drive of over half the nation’s population and surrounded by shopping, attractions and shows, the new Sevierville Convention Center is ready to host your event.

Sevierville Golf Club

The Sevierville Golf Club features two 18-hole championship courses: "The Highlands", a par 70 that winds through lush rolling hills and fresh water mountain ponds and "The River", a par 72 that plays along and across the Little Pigeon River.

Report an Issue

Send email to report a problem to the City of Sevierville here

Report an issue or make a service request.

Connect With Us

Stay connected with the City on Facebook and X.

Online Payments

Pay water bill or file hospitality tax online here

Pay water bill or file hospitality tax online.

Welcome to The City of Sevierville

Your Hometown in the Smokies.

Dolly Parton Statue in front of Sevier County Courthouse in Sevierville, Tennessee 

Welcome to the official web site of the City of Sevierville, Tennessee.
Dolly Parton's Hometown, and your Hometown in the Smokies as well! 

We hope you enjoy our site and find the information helpful. Please feel free to look around and discover all that Sevierville, Tennessee has to offer. 

It is the mission of the City of Sevierville to provide  quality services
while preserving and advancing the collective interests
of all the citizens
and visitors of our community.

If you have any questions about our City, please call us at 865.453.5504

For more information about our city, please see the City of Sevierville Relocation Information at the bottom of this page.

5. Keeping Barking Dogs & Crying Cats


10-501. Harboring.
10-502. Petitions complaining of vicious or barking dogs or crying cats.

10-501. Harboring. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to keep or harbor any dog which habitually cries or howls to the great discomfort of the peace and quiet of the neighborhood, or in such manner as to materially disturb or annoy persons in the neighborhood who are of ordinary sensibilities. Such dogs and cats are hereby declared to be a public nuisance. (1996 Code, § 10-501)

10-502. Petitions complaining of vicious or barking dogs or crying cats.
(1) Whenever any person shall complain to the Police Department that a dog which habitually barks, howls or yelps or a cat which habitually cries or howls is being kept by any person in the City, the Police Department shall notify the owner of said dog or cat that a complaint has been received and that the person should take whatever steps necessary to alleviate the howling, yelping or crying.
(2) If the warning given to the person alleged to be keeping a dog or cat as set forth in (1) above is ineffective, then a verified complaint of at least two (2) citizens not from the same family may be presented to the Police Department, alleging that a vicious dog or a dog which habitually barks, howls or yelps, or a cat which habitually cries or howls is being kept by any person within the City. The Police Department shall inform the owner of such dog or cat that said petition has been received and shall cite the owner of the dog or cat for the violation alleged in said petition. (1996 Code, § 10-502)

Public Notices

  • Notice of Budget Ordinance Amendment - O-2025-002 - 3/17/2025
    Wednesday, 05 March 2025

    This will serve as legal notice that a public hearing has been scheduled to receive any public comment on the matter of amending the FY2025 Budget, as proposed in O-2025-002. The public hearing will be Monday, March 17, 2025 at 6:00 P.M., at the Sevierville Civic Center, 130 Gary R. Wade Boulevard, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. Further information on this proposed rezoning may be obtained...

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  • Notice of Beer Board Meeting - 3/17/2025
    Tuesday, 04 March 2025

    This will serve as legal notice that the Sevierville Beer Board will meet to consider the following application(s) for and or action regarding beer permit(s):


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  • Notice of Public Hearing - O-2025-001 - Places of Amusement-Indoor
    Thursday, 27 February 2025

    This will serve as legal notice that a public hearing has been scheduled to receive any public comment on the matter of amending the Sevierville Zoning Ordinance, as proposed in O-2025-001, regarding Places of Amusement-Indoor. The public hearing will be Monday, March 17, 2025 at 6:00 P.M., at the Sevierville Civic Center, 130 Gary R. Wade Boulevard, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. Further...

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  • Notice of 2025 Standard Meeting Times
    Monday, 23 December 2024

    The Sevierville Board of Mayor and Aldermen hereby notifies all Citizens of the City of Sevierville, Tennessee that open and public meetings will be held for the year 2025 at the Sevierville Civic Center, 130 Gary Wade Blvd., Sevierville, Tennessee (unless otherwise noted) as follows:


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