Affordable lodging is available at Oak Tree Lodge in Sevierville. The motel is located at 1620 Parkway, Sevierville, TN and dogs are welcome to stay in the rooms. Rooms are available at a rate of $56.00. If you have a tax exempt status you must bring the completed tax exempt form with you for the motel. You must mention the seminar when making reservations in order to obtain the special room rate. Reservations can be made by calling 800-637-7002 or 865-428-7500. Attendees are not required to stay at the host hotel. However, several area motels will not allow animals in rooms so if you plan to make reservations at another hotel, please inquire if they allow animals in rooms. Reservations for accommodations are the sole responsibility of the attendee and we would urge you to make room reservations as soon as possible. If you would like additional information on area hotels and motels, contact the Sevierville Chamber of Commerce at (865) 453-6411 or call toll free at 1-800-255-6411.