TRAFFIC ADVISORY: Rivergate Drive Repairs Rescheduled to April 17-26
Posted 04-12-23.
The repaving work on Rivergate Drive has been rescheduled because the contractor was unable to begin today. Work is now scheduled to begin on Monday, April 17. The work will take place Mon-Fri between 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Weather and other conditions permitting, the project should be completed by April 26.
Contractors will be utilizing a roadway reconstruction process called full depth reclamation (FDR). FDR involves removing and reclaiming the existing roadway section to create a more stable, durable and longer-lasting roadway. The process is also more eco-friendly and less expensive than traditional methods.
Traffic will be maintained, however short to moderate delays are likely and motorists should expect altered traffic patterns along with delays. Motorists are encouraged to choose an alternate route if possible and use extreme caution in work zones.