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KnoxBox Overview

A knoxbox is a hyper secured vault box that mounts to the exterior of the structure and holds keys to the building. It can only be opened by a master key held by fire department personnel. KnoxBoxes reduce property damage by allowing first responders quicker and safer access into a building without having to force entry and cause the owner costly down time and repair costs. The City of Sevierville encourages all businesses to invest in a KnoxBox. If you are a business owner interested in purchasing a Knoxbox for your building, please reach out to the Fire Department via phone (865) 868-1710 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information regarding KnoxBoxes, visit their website.


A photo of a fireman's hand pulling out a set of keys from a KnoxBox. The KnoxBox is a small, black, metal box mounted on a brick building


Contact Us

Fire Prevention Bureau
1162 Dolly Parton Parkway
Sevierville, TN 37862
Main 865.868.1710
Fax 865.453.5518

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Fire Marshal JC Green
Office 865.868.1709

To schedule inspection with

Fire Marshal

Fire Inspectors


Department Documents