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Fireworks Safety

Celebrating our nation’s independence with fireworks has been a longstanding tradition in the United States. However, many people are seriously injured each year by their careless use. The State Fire Marshal’s Office encourages Tennesseans to have a fire safe fourth by leaving the fireworks to the professionals: To avoid the risk of injury and property damage associated with consumer fireworks, join other community members in attending a public display put on by trained and licensed professionals.

Know the Facts:
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than twice the number of fires are reported on Independence Day than on any other day of the year in the United States. Two out of five of these fires are caused by fireworks.  According to the Tennessee Fire Incident Reporting System, from 2010-2014, Tennessee fire departments responded to 859 fires caused by fireworks. Those fires caused $1.78 million dollars in property damage.  
Follow the Law: 
Counties and most cities have their own ordinances and restrictions regarding firework use, so it's important to first check with your local police station or fire department to determine the local law before setting off fireworks in your area. A 2007 law prevents children under 16 from purchasing fireworks; and those who are age 16 or 17 must present a photo ID to purchase them. 

State legislation reclassified sky lanterns as special fireworks exclusively for use by individuals with a professional license (certified flame effect operator, certified outdoor display operator or certified proximate pyrotechnic operator). The general public cannot purchase or use sky lanterns, and if found in the possession of someone who does not have a professional license issued by the State Fire Marshal, sky lanterns can be confiscated and later destroyed. In addition, a state law passed in July 2014 prohibits flying a drone (unmanned aircraft) above an outdoor ticketed event with more than 100 people, or in the vicinity of a fireworks display site, without the permission of the event operator. 
Think Safety: 
If consumer fireworks are legal where you live and you decide to set them off on your own, be sure to follow these important safety tips: 
• Never allow children to handle or ignite fireworks. 
• Read and follow all warnings and instructions. 
• Wear eye protection. 
• Be sure other people are out of range before lighting fireworks. 
• Never throw or point fireworks at people or animals. 
• Only light fireworks outdoors on a smooth, flat surface away from homes, dry leaves and flammable materials. 
• Never try to relight fireworks that have not fully functioned. 
• Keep a bucket of water and a garden hose nearby in case of a malfunction or fire. 
• Sparklers are not toys and cause hundreds of injuries every year. Sparklers burn hot, can reach temperatures as high as 1,200° F, and stay hot long after they’ve burned out.
You wouldn’t hand a matchbook or lighter to a child to wave around or play with – so, don’t give a child a sparkler. 


Contact Us

Fire Prevention Bureau
1162 Dolly Parton Parkway
Sevierville, TN 37862
Main 865.868.1710
Fax 865.453.5518

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Fire Marshal JC Green
Office 865.868.1709

To schedule inspection with

Fire Marshal

Fire Inspectors


Department Documents